Monday, December 20, 2010

Chicken Nugget

* These are recipes which my toddler baby loves and snacks on. Every baby is different. Offer single-ingredient foods at first, and wait three to five days between each new food. Always check your baby for any reaction to a particular food.

I'm a chicken nugget fan. So is my hubby and baby. But after reading this article on how its made,  we stopped buying it from stores. It hardly takes 10 minutes to make it at home and you better wait it to cool down a bit as you wont be able to resist.

You can substitue fish for chicken in the Breaded Fish sticks recipe or here is another simple one.

5-6 pieces of boneless and skinless chicken breasts
1 cup all purpose flour
1 beaten egg with salt and pepper
Garlic powder and paprika to taste.
Always rinse chicken and pat it dry.
Wash your hands everyone time after you touch raw chicken.
Now mix up flour and egg and powders. ( I do it in my mixer. Its easier).
You can even add a cheese slice while mixing. Gives another flavor and softer texture.
Coat the chicken in this batter. Make sure there is no excess batter. Just a thin coat is good.
Shallow fry them until golden brown and till both sides are cooked through.

Can't wait to get my hands on them.. Enjoy the nuggets!

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